Pigmented Lesion Removal

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The treatment of brown spots on the face, chest, and hands is continuously growing in popularity and is has become very effective with Q-switched Nd:YAG Astanza laser technology. Dr. Brown offers treatment of excess pigmentation in the form of age spots, liver spots, sun spots, freckles, birthmarks, and brown spots.

These skin blemishes are forms of hyperpigmentation – excess melanin in the skin. This can be caused by a number of factors including sun exposure, trauma, hormonal changes, and genetics. Often difficult to cover up, pigmented lesions can often be removed in just one laser treatment, some spots take two treatments.

The laser treatments can be performed with or without the use of topical anesthesia.

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Results may vary for each patient.

How Laser Brown Spot Treatment Works

The Q-switched Nd:YAG Duality laser produces powerful light energy that is delivered into the skin and absorbed by the excess pigment in the skin. The pigment (age spot, liver spot, etc.) heat up and burst. The brown pigment is then removed by the body as part of the natural immune process. Fading will be visible following the procedure – often completely removed in just one treatment*.

Treatment of brown, age, sun, and liver spots is fast. Following treatment a mild redness may occur in the treatment area, but this will dissipate in just a short time.

For questions about the treatment of pigmented lesions and brown spots, please contact Dr. Brown’s Dallas dermatology office at 214-828-0016 .

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Results may vary for each patient.

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